RANGE APRON - first attempt at pattern making
This apron was for my sister-in-law Allison, as a belated birthday present. This was my first attempt at drawing a pattern. It was hard! The general apron pattern was from another wonderful book from Allison, titled A is for Apron. I love it! As you can tell, I like making aprons, but I only had one pattern. This book has 20 or so more patterns. The hard part, is that they are drawn to be enlarged on a copy machine, something I could not do at 10pm in Farmville. So, I decided that I would take the measurements, try and do some math to make a scale, and then I would instantly have a pattern. 20 minutes and failed math attempts later, I decided that I would freestyle the pattern. I drew the thing the best I could, cut it out, and hoped for the best. I think parts were a little smaller than I would have liked, but in general I really like it. I think I like pattern making enough to attempt to design some pieces this summer, on my clearance dress form I just ordered. Those attempts will be blogs in themselves.
Back to my orange apron, I used bias tape for the edges. I also purchased an accent fabric for the pockets. This fabric was hand-screened in Australia. I got it off of Etsy. There is also a bird appliquéd to the top middle. From far away it looks like a rooster, but up close it is a dainty little bird.