ainbow Bright
I found out in September that I would be going to an 80's themed Halloween party this year. I thought about it for a little while, but I knew very soon that I wanted to be Rainbow Bright.
I printed off a picture and went to Joann's. I walked around looking for buttons, costume satin, faux fur, bias tape, felt, stretch cotton, and ric rac: all the makings of a good costume. I tried to find a pattern, but alas! There were none to be found. I was up for a challenge, anyway.
I started with the dress, and moved on from there. The whole thing is lined in cotton. The satin is hard to work with, so I drew the pattern on the cotton first. Having a dress form was my saving grace when it came to fitting the dress. The first couple of patterns I drew were way off-base. I could put the pieces on the form and pin the changes. It was great! I really felt like a designer on Project Runway. You know, with out all of the drama!
I also put in my first invisible zipper for this dress. This tutorial was SO helpful!

As a whole project, it all turned out a little rough for my standards. I had to keep reminding my perfectionist-self that it was just a costume! To be ready again for next time, I will put some ric rac on the bottom of the boot covers to hide the pink soles. I also will finish the sleeves. All in all, I like how it turned out, and I learned a lot about drawing patterns, working with slippery satin, and inserting invisible zippers. This occupied my sparse crafting for a while, but you can be on the look out for a lunch box, more pot holders, and even a dress that is halfway done!