Sunday, May 12, 2013

T-shirt Quilt

My mom and I made this quilt years ago.  We cut up most of my college t-shirts, and even "borrowed" some of my fiance's.  (fiance at the time.)  I think it took about 20-30 shirts with various sizes cut. On the other side, we appliqued a giant rotunda.  I heart LU! :)


  1. I totally want to do this. I have a stack of meaningful tee-shirts from my life, now I just need to get my butt in gear and start sewing! Did you sew the shirts on fabric? I was thinking of just sewing them all together to create the front of the quilt, but I like the way yours looks.
    Follow Dava Smith English Teacher on BlogLovin’

    1. Thanks for stopping in! I did not sew the shirts to fabric on the back, but just to the "jacks" fabric strips on the sides. The main reason I chose a cotton in between was because knits stretch A LOT. The cotton helped to maintain the square shape. I think it's totally possible to just sew the shirts together, but it was just easier for me to use a non-stretchy fabric to contain the shirts. I would be happy to throw other tips your way if you want them! Happy sewing! (And I should mention -- it's a big project [about 40 hours] but it's worth the memories I recall every time I look at a different shirt.)
